What’s in a name? Introducing IDIA – the Institute for Digital Inclusion Acceleration

Identity is powerful. For an organization, it’s the framework that provides trust, unity, and cohesion across people and places.

At the Digital Equity Institute, our community has grown and evolved – and so must our brand. That’s why we’re taking a big step to more clearly define who we are and who we serve: We’re renaming our organization the Institute for Digital Inclusion and Acceleration (IDIA).

Along with the name change, we’ve revised our visual identity and brand narrative to better represent our vibrancy, innovation, and forward-thinking mission.

Bold new brand, same impact

Extensive reviews of community feedback, stakeholder interviews, audits, and design sessions led to the refreshed identity. The goal was to honor IDIA’s legacy as a leader in digital inclusion while looking forward to continual growth and impact alongside our community.

“We are driving digital inclusion with a sense of urgency and purpose, and we want our name and brand elements to reflect that,” said Dr. Erin Carr-Jordan, President and CEO of IDIA. “Our new identity embodies the diversity of the communities we serve, and we’re excited to continue helping people thrive with a renewed sense of purpose.”

Key elements of the new brand identity

Each element of the brand’s identity is intended to strengthen alignment with our mission, which revolves around the success of our community. From the logo’s circular, open design to the vibrant color palette, the designs intentionally mirror a vision rooted in an optimistic, inclusive future. The revitalized brand components include:


      • New name: We’ve received significant feedback over time that the DEI acronym is often conflated with the common term “digital, equity, and inclusion.” Further, “equity” is also a word that has taken on political meanings in certain contexts. We aim to emphasize our ultimate community impact (inclusion) while conveying a sense of urgent action (accelerating), and retaining our clear structure and model (Institute). Ultimately, The Institute for Digital Inclusion and Acceleration or IDIA (pronounced “idea”) is the perfect name to convey our drive and impact.

      • New logo: The redesigned logo features open circles and pathways symbolizing inclusivity and open doors. Small hexagons represent the Hives, which are central to our work, and colorful elements reflect the diversity and dynamic energy of our community. Our brand guide offers single-color, grayscale versions, portrait/landscape versions, and more.

      • Updated color palette: A refreshed and expanded color palette represents the energy and growth of IDIA’s initiatives. These colors bring a stronger, more contrasted visual appeal and coherence across various platforms, including the new website, presentations, and promotional materials.

      • New boilerplate narrative: The updated narrative articulates IDIA’s mission and vision with sharper clarity, making it easier to communicate our goals and impact. Below is a summary of the revised boilerplate:

    About IDIA

    The Institute for Digital Inclusion and Acceleration (IDIA) is dedicated to eliminating the digital divide and creating a community where every individual, regardless of background, geographic location, or ability, can thrive in the digital age. By focusing on digital skills and online safety while addressing socioeconomic disparities, IDIA builds systems and structures that support every individual, from childhood through older adulthood, in shaping their own digital future. Our comprehensive approach involves partnering with a diverse array of sectors and industries—ranging from education to government, community organizations to internet service providers. Together, we can build a future where digital inclusion is a reality for all.


        • New website: The new website (theidia.org) provides a comprehensive overview of IDIA’s initiatives and serves as a central hub for information and resources. The site reflects our refreshed brand identity and will continue to evolve with new content and features.

      IDIA’s ongoing efforts in digital inclusion will be amplified through these brand elements in various avenues such as publications, events, social outreach, and more. The refresh ultimately forges a stronger identity, capturing our vision for digital inclusion while reinforcing our role as a catalyst for change in our communities.

      For more information about IDIA’s new brand identity and initiatives, please visit theidia.org.
